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I want to help others learn how to protect themselves, know the laws behind the products and how to use them properly.  Not everyone feels comfortable or wants to carry or use a gun, yet we want to feel protected with all craziness going on in the world these days.  I have 18+ years of experience between the military and law enforcement field.  I’ve had to carry and use these items on a full time basis.  I worked with and supervised violent and non-violent offenders, both women and men, within their home environments.  Unfortunately due to an injury I can no longer do my previous job but despite that I’ve found a new stronger self.  Now I want to use this knowledge to provide you with the same understanding you need to stay safe and protect yourself. 

I’d love to set up some time to help you get to know the products and learn how to defend yourself.  I always encourage group events with your family and/or friends, this way you can all learn how to protect yourselves together and train periodically together. 

Learning the laws & legal aspects of these products is important!  The excuse “I didn’t know” doesn’t work in court.  So let’s get to know the equipment you want to carry and help understand the laws behind them so you can protect yourself and loved ones!